- Design Features
- Shortcode Generator
- Skin Generator
- Layout Options
- Multiple Sliders
- Column Layouts
- Fancy Buttons & Links
- Fancy Boxes
- Fancy Lists
- Fancy Tables
- Fancy Headers
- Dropcaps
- Block & Pullquotes
- Highlights
- jQuery Tabs
- jQuery Toggles
- jQuery Tooltips
- Contact Form
- Image Frames & Effects
- Fancy Images
- Galleria
- Videos
- Social Buttons
- jCarousel
- Icons
- Squeeze Page
- Miscellaneous
Navigate to the Skins tab inside your themes admin panel and you will find the skin generator. This is where you can manage the skins for your theme.
Click on the Edit button for one of your skins and you will be able to edit features such as size, font, color, images, and decorations.
Select the “Create a New Skin” option to create a new skin from scratch. Each of the theme areas are in their own section for easy editing.
You can even download new skins to use and export your own skins for others.